1.1 The contractor
shall provide the required authorization for requested services
and items under the Extended Care Health Option (ECHO), except as
provided in
paragraph 1.2.
1.2 In
the case of beneficiaries residing outside the 50 United States
(US) and the District of Columbia, the TRICARE Overseas Program
(TOP) contractor is responsible for authorizing ECHO benefits. The
TOP contractor shall notify the appropriate TRICARE Area Office
(TAO) Executive Director of all ECHO benefit
authorizations or authorization waivers.
1.3 The authorization
is based upon the following:
1.3.1 The beneficiary
is registered in the ECHO; and
1.3.2 The requested
service or item is allowable as an ECHO benefit;
1.3.3 The requested service or item
meets the public facility use requirements when applicable.
1.4 The authorization shall specify
the services by type, scope, frequency, duration, dates, amounts, requirements,
limitations, provider name and address, and all other information
necessary to provide exact identification of approved benefits.
Claims can not be adjudicated without this information.
1.5 The authorization shall remain
in effect until such time as the contractor or TOP contractor determines that:
1.5.1 The beneficiary is no longer
eligible for the ECHO; or
1.5.2 The authorized
ECHO service or item is no longer appropriate or required by the
beneficiary; or
1.5.3 The authorized
ECHO service or item becomes a benefit through the TRICARE Basic
1.6 The contractor
or TOP contractor may waive the required written authorization for
rendered services and items that, except for the absence of the
written authorization, would be allowable as an ECHO benefit.
1.7 The contractor or TOP contractor
may waive the required public facility use certification when such waiver
is appropriate. See
Section 5.1.