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TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.63-M, April 2021
Chapter 1
Section 7.1
Primary Care Managers (PCMs)
Issue Date:  May 15, 1996
Authority:  32 CFR 199.17
Revision:  C-24, October 31, 2024
1.0  Policy
1.1  TRICARE Prime enrollees shall select or have assigned to them PCMs according to guidelines established by the Market Director/Military Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) Director, or other Government Designated Authority (GDA).
1.1.1  A PCM may be a network provider, or a Market/MTF PCM by name/supported by a team. If a group practice is listed as a network provider, the contractor shall ensure all members of the group practice are TRICARE-authorized providers.
1.1.2  The Defense Health Agency (DHA) considers the following types of individual professional providers as primary care providers Primary Care Providers (PCPs) and the contractor shall designate them as PCMs, consistent with governing State rules and regulations: internists, family practitioners, pediatricians, General Practitioners (GPs), obstetricians/gynecologists (OB/GYNs), Physician Assistants (PAs), Nurse Practitioners (NPs), and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs).
1.2  A TRICARE Prime enrollee must seek all their primary health care from the PCM with the exception of Clinical Preventive Services. If the PCM is unable to provide a primary care service, the PCM is responsible for referring shall refer the enrollee to another primary care provider PCP. The contractor shall ensure PCMs refer TRICARE Prime enrollees for specialty care or for inpatient care. For mental health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) care, all inpatient and outpatient services, except office-based, outpatient treatment provided by a network provider, require a referral. However, if the non-office based, outpatient mental health or SUD provider is a network provider, the contractor may accept a request for preauthorization from the network provider in lieu of PCM referral. If the enrollee fails to obtain a PCM referral when one is required, the contractor shall pay for the service under Point of Service (POS) procedures with a deductible for outpatient services and cost-shares for in- and outpatient services. A temporary waiver of the referral requirement for TRICARE Prime enrollees, not including Active Duty Service Members (ADSMs), for the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine is authorized. The COVID-19 vaccine is a clinical preventive service and under this waiver it may be obtained from any TRICARE Basic (medical) program authorized non-network provider without incurring POS charges, where applicable. See Chapter 1, Section 15.1.
1.3  The contractor shall ensure the PCM notifies the contractor that a referral is being made. The contractor shall assist the TRICARE Prime enrollee in locating a Market/MTF or network provider to provide the specialty care and in scheduling an appointment.
1.4  The contractor shall conduct a prospective review and authorize the service in accordance with the contractor’s best practices.
PCM referral is not required for the following services:
2.1  Services provided directly by the PCM.
2.2  Emergency care.
2.3  Services provided as part of the comprehensive clinical prevention program offered to TRICARE Prime enrollees.
2.4  Outpatient, office-based, mental health and SUD visits.
2.5  Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy (PT/OT) services referred by a network podiatrist as set forth in Chapter 8, Section 11.1, paragraph 2.5.
2.6  TRICARE Prime-enrolled dual eligible, to the extent practicable, should follow all TRICARE Prime requirements for PCM requirements for PCM assignment, referrals, and authorizations. However, they are not subject to POS cost-sharing. See the TRICARE Operations Manual (TOM), Chapter 6, Section 1.
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