3.4.1 Benefit Policy Benefit policy applies to the
scope of services and items which may be considered for cost-sharing
by the TRICARE within the intent of the 32 CFR 199. The
current edition of the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) Physicians’
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is incorporated by reference
into this Manual to describe the scope of services potentially allowable
as a benefit, subject to explicit requirements, limitations, and
exclusions, in this Manual or in the 32 CFR 199. Procedures listed in the CPT
and the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) may be cost-shared
only when the procedure is “appropriate medical care”
and is
“medically or psychologically necessary”
and is
not “unproven” as defined in the
32 CFR 199.4(g)(15), and the procedure is
not explicitly excluded in the TRICARE program.
3.4.2 Program Policy
Program Policy applies to beneficiary
eligibility, provider eligibility, claims adjudication, and quality
assurance. Program policy implementation instructions are found
in the TSM and the TOM. The contractor shall ensure
that, in cases where the TPM is silent regarding a specific drug,
device, procedure, or service, or specific HCPCS, CPT, or other
descriptor, care reimbursed is medically or psychologically necessary
for the treatment of a covered condition, in accordance with statute,
regulation, and TRICARE policy (including applicable general policy
provisions). The contractor shall, upon
request, provide the Utilization Management (UM) criteria or clinical review
utilized for services that: (1) exceed 1000 claims, annually; or
(2) have an allowable charge for a claim line in excess of $1,000.
The UM criteria or clinical review criteria shall be made available
to the Defense Health Agency (DHA) within five business days of
request. The contractor shall make available
on a public-facing website its medical coverage policies for drugs, devices,
and procedures that meet the criteria in
paragraph, and ensure
that these policies comply with all the requirements in the TPM.
The medical coverage policies shall include, but is not limited
to, the procedure in question, whether the procedure in question
is covered or not covered, any limitations on or requirements for coverage,
and applicable HCPCS, CPT, and International Classification of Diseases,
10th Revision (ICD-10) codes. The contractor shall describe
in writing and submit to the Government Designated Authority (GDA) any
benefit or program administration issue for which benefits or program
operation policy guidance is required, or when TRICARE policy is
silent on an issue.
3.4.3 Reimbursement Policy Reimbursement policy sets forth
the payment procedures used for reimbursing TRICARE claims. The related
implementation instructions for these payment procedures are found
in the TSM and the TOM. The TRM provides the methodology
for pricing allowable services and items and for payment to specific
categories and types of authorized allowable services and items
and for payment to specific categories and types of authorized providers.
These methods allow the contractor to price and render payment for
specific examples of services or items which are not explicitly
addressed in the Manual but which belong to a general category or
type which is addressed in the Manual.