All TRICARE requirements noted
Chapter 8 regarding
claims processing shall apply to the TMEP unless specifically changed,
waived, or superseded by this section (as indicated below), the
TRICARE Policy Manual (TPM), TRICARE Reimbursement Manual (TRM),
TRICARE Systems Manual (TSM), or TMEP contract.
1.0 General
1.2 In general, TRICARE pays secondary
to Medicare and any other coverage.
1.3 Special
double coverage procedures shall be used for all claims for beneficiaries
who are eligible for Medicare, including active duty dependents
who are age 65 and over as well as those beneficiaries under age
65 who are eligible for Medicare for any reason. For specific instructions,
refer to the TRM,
Chapter 4, Section 4.
4.0 Signature
4.1 The provisions of
Chapter 8, Section 4, are applicable to TMEP,
except the requirements for financially underwritten TRICARE claims.
4.2 Electronic
“cross over” claims received from Medicare after Medicare completes
its claims processing do not need a beneficiary or provider signature.
For paper claims, when TRICARE is secondary payer to Medicare and
a Medicare Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is attached, the TMEP contractor
does not need to develop for provider or beneficiary signature.
Prime and TRICARE Select Referrals/Preauthorization/Authorizations
5.2 TMEP Prime-enrolled
beneficiaries, to the extent practicable, should follow all TRICARE
Prime requirements for Primary Care Manager (PCM) assignment, referrals
and authorizations. The TMEP contractor is not responsible to obtaining
or verifying that a TMEP Prime enrolled beneficiary has a referral
for care not provided by their PCM. TMEP Prime enrolled beneficiaries
are not subject to Point of Service (POS) cost-sharing.
5.3 TMEP beneficiaries
can contact a regional Managed Care Support Contractor (MCSC) for
assistance in locating a network provider. The MSCS shall provide
the TRICARE/Medicare beneficiary with the name, telephone number,
and address of network providers of the appropriate clinical specialty
located within the beneficiary’s geographic area. The MCSC is not
required to make appointments with network providers.
5.4 The contractor
shall issue notification of preauthorization when requested for
primary pay services in accordance with
Chapter 7, Section 2 and
Chapter 1, Section 7.1. Notification may be
made in writing by letter, or on a form developed by the contractor.
These forms and letters are all referred to as TRICARE authorization forms.
6.0 Claim
6.2 TMEP claims
which TRICARE processes after Medicare, do not need to be developed
to the individual provider level for home health or group practice
6.3 Civilian claims for TMEP beneficiaries
shall be processed by Medicare first without consideration of the Supplemental
Health Care Program (SHCP).
6.4 The TMEP
contractor shall not process a claims from any civilian provider
in a Market/Military Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) under the
Resource Sharing or Clinical Support Agreements (CSA) programs.
7.0 Application
of Deductible and Cost-Sharing
cost-shares and deductible are applied when TRICARE is the primary
payer on TMEP beneficiary claims.
7.3 TMEP beneficiary
cost-shares shall be based on the following when TRICARE is the
primary payer. If the services were received by a TRICARE Prime
enrollee (as indicated in Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting
System (DEERS)), the TMEP contractor shall calculate the Prime copayments
applicable on the date services were received. For a beneficiary
who is not a Prime enroll, if a provider is known to be a network
provider (e.g., Veterans Health Administration (VHA) medical facility)
the TRICARE Extra cost-shares shall be applied to services received
prior to January 1, 2018; if the provider is not a known network
provider, the TRICARE Standard cost-share shall be applied. For
a beneficiary who is a TRICARE Select enrollee, services received
from a known network provider on or after January 1, 2018, will
have the TRICARE Select network copayments applied; if the provider
is not a known network provider, the TRICARE Select out-of-network
cost-share shall be applied. For a TRICARE For Life (TFL) beneficiary who
is not a TRICARE Prime enrollee, services received on or after January
1, 2018, shall have the TRICARE Standard copayment (see TRM,
2) applied as if TRICARE Standard were still being implemented.
7.4 Only the
actual beneficiary out-of-pocket liability remaining after TRICARE
payments will be counted for purposes of the annual catastrophic
loss protection.