2.1 Each contractor
is the certifying authority and has participation agreement signatory
authority for Defense Health Agency (DHA) for birthing center applicants
located within their geographical jurisdiction.
2.2 The contractor is to notify
DHA in writing of the appointment and removal of each person designated
by the contractor to sign a birthing center participation agreement.
The appointment or removal notification must include the individual’s
full name as signed, name, title, position, signature sample (for
notice of appointment only) and the effective date of the action.
No more than two individuals will be so authorized by the contractor
concurrently, and the effective date of appointment will be no earlier
than the date of the written notice of appointment to DHA.
2.3 DHA is direct recipient of
each birthing center report of a beneficiary death or emergency transfer
to an acute care facility and is responsible for taking appropriate
action to determine whether a reporting birthing center should remain
an authorized institutional provider.
2.4 Each
contractor will provide timely written notice of the effective date
of the revocation of a birthing center’s authorized provider status
to DHA, to each beneficiary actually admitted to the birthing center
program on the date the revocation notice was issued, and to the
Military Treatment Facility (MTF)/Enhanced Multi-Service Market
(eMSM) Commanding Officer when the birthing center is within a Prime
service area.
3.1 Application. A complete application
for certification as an authorized birthing center consists of an
application signed and dated by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
of the center which provides:
3.1.1 The complete
name and street address of the center;
3.1.2 The mailing
address for correspondence;
3.1.3 The name
and title of the Chief Operating Officer (COO);
3.1.4 A routine and emergency phone
number for the COO;
3.1.5 The type
of legal organization of the center;
3.1.6 The name
and business address of each member of the center’s governing body;
3.1.7 Legible photocopies of:
• All current
operating licenses;
• The most
recent notice of accreditation;
• The most
recent of each required memorandum of understanding; and
• Such supplementary
information as may be required on a case-by-case basis to determine
the safety and appropriateness of the center’s operation.
3.2 Development. The certifying
authority shall make at least one request for information missing from
an application.
3.3 Decision
notice. The certification decision shall be rendered within 60 days
of the receipt by the certifying authority of a complete application.
3.4 Rejected application. A center
shall be notified in writing that it is no longer considered an applicant
for certification when a pending incomplete application is not made
complete within 60 days of the date of a written notice to the center
of the deficiencies of the center’s application unless the certifying
authority has extended the response time for good reason.
3.5 Denied application. A center
shall be notified in writing of the specific reason(s) that certification
is not granted.
3.6 Certification.
Authorization of a center as an institutional provider shall be
made only after the certifying authority is:
3.6.1 Satisfied
that the information provided in the complete application is true
and current, and is
3.6.2 Satisfied
that the applicant complies in all respects with the requirements
of the 32 CFR 199, and is
3.6.3 Satisfied
that the applicant is not otherwise barred from provider status,
3.6.4 The applicant has returned
a signed participation agreement.
3.7 Provider identification. Each
authorized birthing center will be assigned a unique identification number
regardless of its affiliation with another authorized provider or
group of authorized providers.
3.8 Amended
application. An applicant or authorized center is required to amend
a pending or approved application within 30 days of a change in
any of the information required for application.
3.9 Compliance verification. The
certifying authority shall maintain contemporary documentation that
the currency of each approved birthing center’s application materials
has been verified at least at 24-month intervals following initial
approval as an institutional provider.
3.10 Birthing
Center participation agreement. The text of the participation agreement
for freestanding or institution-affiliated birthing center maternity
care services for beneficiaries is at
Addendum C.
The contractor is not authorized to make any change in the language
of this agreement. Applicant specific changes to this agreement
will not be considered by DHA.