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TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.63-M, April 2021
Eligibility And Enrollment
Chapter 10
Section 10.1
TRICARE Coverage For Certain Members Of The National Guard (NG)
Issue Date:  September 6, 2018
Authority:  32 CFR 199.3, Public Law 114-328, Section 711
If an NG member and family is TRICARE-eligible due to the sponsor being on full-time NG duty and is placed on State Active Duty (SAD) orders for disaster response, their TRICARE eligibility is removed. The State may request extension of TRICARE eligibility for the NG member and family on a fully reimbursable basis. This provision does not create any new class of beneficiaries or changes in coverage.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (NDAA FY 2017), Section 711 (Public Law 114-136) established authority to extend the period of time that a Guardsman performing SAD in support of a disaster response is considered to be on active duty as an Active Duty Service Member (ADSM) for the purpose of TRICARE eligibility.
3.1  During a period in which a member of the NG is performing State disaster response duty, the member may be treated as being on active duty for a period of more than 30 calendar days for purposes of the eligibility of the member and their family members for health care benefits under the TRICARE program if:
•  Disaster response duty immediately follows a period in which the member served on full-time NG duty (32 United States Code (USC) 502(f) including pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 32); and
•  The Governor of the State (to include the four United States (US) Territories (or mayor of the District of Columbia)) requests extension of TRICARE eligibility for the member and family and agrees to reimburse Department of Defense (DoD) for all health care services.
3.2  The State is responsible for identifying these Guardsmen and providing their individual information and period of state duty to the NG Bureau, who in turn will forward this information to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) to continue TRICARE eligibility in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS).
3.3  For health care provided by a civilian provider, claims shall be processed under current TRICARE reimbursement rules.
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