3.1 TRICARE Catastrophic Cap and
Deductible (CC&D)
3.1.1 The contractor shall update
CC&D amounts on DEERS using the CCDD file application in accordance with
the TSM.
3.1.2 As part of a pharmacy transaction
when the contractor initially queries DEERS for eligibility information using
the “Claims Coverage” inquiry, the response will include CC&D
3.1.3 The contractor shall use this
information to determine whether a beneficiary has met their catastrophic cap
and apply necessary deductibles or both. If the query response shows
that the catastrophic cap has been met, no copayment amount will
be applied or collected. If the query response shows
the catastrophic cap has not been met, the contractor shall apply
or collect the appropriate copayment amount (or portion thereof
if application of the full copayment amount would results in the
catastrophic cap total being exceeded).
3.1.4 After
a copayment has been collected, the contractor shall submit a transaction
to update the catastrophic cap amount on DEERS. If during this update,
CCDD file shows that the cap is now met (due to an intervening transaction
that occurred from the time between the initial eligibility inquiry
and the update transaction), the contractor shall take the following
actions: Proceed with the update transaction
and apply the copayment amount to the CCDD file catastrophic cap
totals (which will result in the cap being exceeded). Initiate a refund of the copayment
amount (or appropriate portion thereof which exceeds the cap amount)
to the beneficiary. Once the refund has been sent, the contractor
shall adjust (i.e., correct) the CCDD file totals to reflect the
refunded copayment amount. Ensure the correction action
shall result in the CCDD file total reflecting that the cap has
been met, but not exceeded. (If a TED record has been previously
submitted, it will be necessary to submit an adjustment to the TED
to correct the copayment amount.)
3.2 Continued
Health Care Benefits Program (CHCBP) CC&D
3.2.1 CHCBP
CC&D totals are maintained by the CHCBP contractor.
3.2.2 CHCBP
CC&D totals shall be maintained on a CHCBP CC&D central
repository by the CHCBP contractor and provided to the pharmacy
contractor. See TSM,
Chapter 3, Section 4.1 for details. As part
of the pharmacy transaction, the pharmacy contractor will query
DEERS for eligibility and query the CHCBP CC&D repository for catastrophic
cap and deductible totals.
3.2.3 The contractor
shall complete the corrections prior to next automated file exchange.
If the CHCBP CC&D totals change and the result is underpayments,
the contractors shall also be responsible for recoupments.