07285 - 07286, 07410 - 07420,
07430 - 07431, 07440 - 07441, 07450 - 07451, 07460 - 07461, 07465,
07480, 07490, 07520, 07530, 07540, 07550, 07560, 07610, 07620, 07630,
07640, 07650, 07660, 07670, 07680, 07710, 07720, 07730, 07740, 07750,
07760, 07770, 07780, 07810, 07820, 07830, 07840, 07860, 07870, 07910
- 07912, 07920, 07955, 07980 - 07983, 20605, 21010, 21050, 21060,
21141 - 21142, 21193 - 21198, 21215, 21240 - 21243, 21480, 21485,
21490, 21499, 29804.
3.1 The
following are examples of procedures are considered to be in this
category and are covered:
3.1.1 Excision
of tumors and cysts of the jaws, cheeks, lips, tongue, roof and
floor of the mouth, when such conditions require a pathological
(histological) examination.
3.1.2 Surgical
procedures required to correct accidental injuries of the jaws,
cheeks, lips, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth.
3.1.3 Treatment of oral and/or facial
3.1.4 Treatment of fractures of facial
3.1.5 External (extraoral) incision
and drainage of cellulitis.
3.1.6 Surgery
of accessory sinuses, salivary glands or ducts.
3.1.7 Surgical treatment of the temporal
bone and the lower bone of the jaw. The following are examples
of conditions under which surgical treatment of the temporomandibular
joint will be allowed:
• Osteoarthritis
• Trauma
• Congenital causes, e.g., agenesis
or hypoplastic condyle
• Ankylosis
• Tumors
• Dislocations. The contractor may use the
current recommendations for Management of Patients with Temporomandibular
Joint Implants published by the American Academy of Oral Maxillofacial
Surgeons in their adjudication of claims involving temporomandibular
joint surgery.
3.2 Any oral
surgical procedure which falls within the cosmetic, reconstructive
and/or plastic surgery definition is subject to the limitations
and requirements set forth in
32 CFR 199.4(e)(8). Surgical correction of
prognathism and micrognathism and congenital craniofacial anomalies
(i.e., Treacher-Collins syndrome, hemifacial microsomia, etc.) is
3.3 Oral surgical procedures for
treatment of the following medical conditions are also covered:
3.3.1 Osteomyelitis.
3.3.2 Removal of a foreign body which
is hazardous to the patient’s health, which is reaction-producing
or complicates a primary medical condition.
3.3.3 Intrinsic and traumatic diseases
of the temporomandibular joint which require surgery such as rheumatoid
arthritis and osteoarthritis.
3.3.4 Mandibular
bone grafts performed for other than orthodontia or dental support.
3.3.5 Surgical treatment of the temporomandibular
3.3.6 The Therabite Jaw Motion System
may be considered for cost-sharing as Durable Medical Equipment
4.1 Treatment
of Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome,
also known as
Myofacial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome, occlusal equilibration
and restorative occlusal rehabilitation are excluded from this category.
See Chapter 8, Section 13.1.
4.2 Extraction of unerupted or
partially erupted, malposed or impacted teeth, with or without the attached
follicular or development tissues, are not covered oral surgery
procedures except when the care is indicated in preparation for,
or as a result of, dental trauma caused by the medically necessary treatment
of an injury or illness.
4.3 Surgical
preparation of the mouth for dentures except for adjunctive dental
care (Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes
40840 - 40845).
4.4 Mandibular
staple implants are not covered because their primary purpose is
to prepare the mouth for dentures.