In a service relations program,
the contractor’s primary responsibilities are to the beneficiaries and
the providers. However, in meeting these responsibilities, it is
frequently necessary to respond to Congressional Offices or to Beneficiary
Counseling and Assistance Coordinators (BCACs), and Debt Collection
and Assistance Officer (DCAO) who are intervening on behalf of a
beneficiary or provider.
2.0 Beneficiary Relations
contractor shall be invited to attend and participate in beneficiary
meetings, such as the retired military associations. These meetings
provide opportunities for the contractor to make presentations and
distribute educational materials to the beneficiaries.
3.0 Congressional And BCAC/DCAO
The contractor
is responsible for performance of the following minimum functions
in carrying out a Congressional and BCAC/DCAO relations programs
within the region.
3.1 Establish Communications
3.1.1 The contractor shall establish
a working relationship with the Congressional delegation in each
state and maintain effective communication with the Congressional
office staffs, BCACs, and DCAOs in the region. These individuals
can often assist in resolving questions/problems of the beneficiary
and provider population. The contractor shall establish procedures
and provide staffing to perform all necessary functions.
3.1.2 The contractor shall provide
written notification of the contractor’s Point(s) Of Contact (POCs)
[name(s), address(es), e-mail addresses and phone number(s)] to
all Congressional offices, BCACs, and DCAOs serving the region.
The contractor shall provide separate telephone numbers (lines) reserved
exclusively for Congressional offices, BCACs, and DCAOs. This service
is not required to be toll-free; however, the contractor shall provide
sufficient telephone lines and TRICARE-dedicated staff to meet the
requirements in
Chapter 1, Section 3.
In addition, when it is appropriate because of the volume or character
of Congressional office inquiries received, a contractor representative
may visit a Congressional office to resolve problems and/or educate
the staff about TRICARE operations and requirements. In most Military
Treatment Facility (MTF)/Enhanced Multi-Service Market (eMSM) Prime Service
Areas (PSAs), a contractor’s representative shall have regular,
if not daily, interface with the BCACs and DCAOs. In other areas,
the contractor shall develop a program of regular BCAC and DCAO contact
which includes a contractor representative meeting with the BCACs
and/or DCAOs at least semi-annually. When serious problems or other
needs arise, more frequent contact shall be required.
4.0 Special BCAC/DCAO Meetings
Health Agency (DHA) conducts workshops with BCACs/DCAOs in various
locations throughout the year. The contractor shall provide representation
to participate in the workshops where BCACs/DCAOs from the contractor’s
region will be present in significant numbers. DHA will provide
at least 30 calendar days notice of such a requirement. DHA will
also outline the expected nature of contractor’s participation.
If a contractor has a specific problem or issue which should be
addressed at a BCAC and DCAO meeting, DHA shall be notified at least
21 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
5.0 Media Relations
relations programs implemented by the Government and the contractors
on behalf of the Government shall have three objectives: educate
beneficiaries about changes to their TRICARE benefit, respond to
media queries quickly and accurately and inform the American public
about Government activities related to the TRICARE program. The
contractors shall conduct a media-relations program in accordance
with Department of Defense (DoD) guidelines and guidance provided
by Defense Health Agency (DHA) Communications. The contractor shall
provide regular feedback to DHA Communications regarding their media
activities, including coordination of proposed responses to media
queries for sensitive and controversial issues. The contractors
shall keep DHA Communications and TRICARE Regional Office (TRO)
leadership aware of public and beneficiary perceptions regarding TRICARE
policies and procedures, and advise DHA on proposed communication
strategies for responding to these issues. All published materials
shall communicate consistent TRICARE program messages with one voice
and tone. Contractors shall perform the following in their media
relations program:
5.1 Establish
and maintain effective working relationships with members of the
regional and local news media:
5.1.1 Work directly
with the news media to provide information on new programs, changes
to the benefit, and other “good news” stories.
5.1.2 Respond to media questions
about contractor roles, responsibilities and actions on behalf of
the Government in support of the TRICARE program.
5.1.3 Work closely with the Government
to ensure that information provided to the media is consistent and
• Coordinate
all proposed media activities including new releases, press conferences
and other media events with DHA prior to release of the information;
• Follow-up all media contacts
by sending copies of information provided to the media and a summary
of any discussions to DHA Communications when immediate action was
5.1.4 Contractors
shall speak only on issues for which they have direct responsibility
and shall not speculate on issues beyond the scope of the support
they are providing to the Government.
5.2 The contractor shall share
information, including news releases, fact sheets, talking points, communications
plans, and public affairs guidance with DHA Communications to ensure
DHA is aware of pending news stories and the information provided
to the media.
5.3 The
contractor shall assist DHA Communications in planning, designing,
and implementing a comprehensive communications program that incorporates
diverse functions and issues, serves numerous distinct and specialized
audiences and responds rapidly, in crisis conditions to changing demands.
5.4 The contractor shall work with
DHA to ensure beneficiaries receive unified, timely, accurate, consistent,
and effective products and tools that improve their access, understanding,
and appreciation of TRICARE.