1.0 Defense Enrollment
Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) Catastrophic Cap And Deductible
Data (CCDD)
1.1 For non-network TRICARE claims,
cost-share and deductible amounts shall be applied toward the catastrophic
cap as the claims are processed for each fiscal year. Beginning
January 1, 2018, the amounts shall be applied toward the catastrophic
cap as the claims are processed for each calendar year.
Prime, TRICARE Standard/Extra, and TRICARE Select claims, all beneficiary
cost-shares and deductibles specified in the contract shall be applied
toward the cap, including nominal copayments for outpatient care.
The amount applied toward the cap on the current claim and the family’s
cumulative total must be reflected on the Explanation of Benefits
(EOB), except on complete denials.
1.3 Once the contractor determines that
the maximum individual/family catastrophic cap liability is
met for the fiscal year (prior to January 1, 2018)
or calendar year (starting January 1, 2018), cost-shares and
deductibles will no longer apply, and the TRICARE-determined allowable
amount shall be paid in full for all covered services and supplies
under the Basic Program through the end of that fiscal year or calendar
year. Calendar year 2017 is an exception as TRICARE
converts from a fiscal year basis to a calendar year basis. October,
November and December 2017 will be added to the 2017 fiscal year. Beginning
January 1, 2018, all TRICARE plans will convert to a calendar year
basis for enrollment, catastrophic cap, and deductible transactions.
1.4 To assist
the contractor with determining if changes to the CCDD need to be
made, a monthly Claims Reprocessing Alert Report will be made available
to facilitate adjustments of cost-share amounts and enrollment fee
payments. This report will identify beneficiaries that may need
claim and/or fee payment adjustments based on catastrophic cap activity.
When a total amount exceeds the fiscal (effective
January 1, 2018, calendar) year limit, a review of
recent activity is required to ensure proper processing has occurred.
The report will identify policies where the catastrophic cap limit
has been exceeded as a result of applying claim and/or enrollment
fee amounts. The contractor shall correct all accounts identified
as exceeding the catastrophic cap limit. These policies will be
reported on an aging basis of 30, 60, 90, and 180 days. The report
will also identify policies where the catastrophic cap limit is reduced
for any reason, resulting in the total going under the annual limit.
The contractor shall determine if any previously waived/reduced
cost-shares or enrollment fee payments are now due from the beneficiary.
2.0 Claim Order
For Applying Deductible
The outpatient
deductible amounts shall be applied as the claims are processed.
When claims are adjusted, the contractor shall apply the deductible
based upon the date the claim was initially processed, not the date
the claim was subsequently adjusted. See the TRICARE Reimbursement
Manual (TRM),
Chapter 2, Section 1.
3.0 Deductible
3.1 Contractors shall furnish a deductible
certificate or show the status of the deductible on the EOB except
on complete denials. For complete denials the contractor does not
query any internal or external catastrophic cap and deductible files
and is not required to send deductible information or catastrophic
cap information on the denial notice.
3.2 For claims processed for years included
in CCDD, the contractor shall obtain the amount met toward the deductible
from the CCDD.
3.3 When a claim is adjusted, the contractor
shall query CCDD and apply deductible and cap as directed by the
CCDD query response. The contractor shall not review any intervening
claims processed between the initial claim and the adjustment for
the purpose of adjusting deductible or cap amounts.
3.4 For services
in prior years, the beneficiary may request in writing the application
of deductibles and cost-shares taken by other contractors or paid
by Other Health Insurance (OHI). The contractor shall determine
from their deductible record, and/or EOBs from other contractors
submitted by the beneficiary, the amount the contractor has to apply
to the CCDD. When a beneficiary subsequently documents an excess
deductible, the claim shall be adjusted by the contractor that took
the excess, based on the order in which claims were processed. The
beneficiary must provide the EOB to the contractor for credit to
be given for years not maintained on the CCDD. The contractor must
determine which services are creditable toward the catastrophic
cap by reference to the TRM,
Chapter 2, Section 3.
3.5 For purposes
of catastrophic loss protection, a TRICARE claim must be submitted
along with an EOB from other health insurance in order for the beneficiary
to receive credit for any amount paid by other health insurance,
even if the OHI paid the bill in total. Normal double coverage rules
remain in effect after the cap has been reached; the beneficiary
must submit a claim to the other health insurance before submitting
a claim to the TRICARE contractor.
4.0 Audit Trail
And History File
The contractor shall ensure that
the history file accurately reflects all transactions pertaining
to care received, cost-shares, deductible, copayments, and adjustments.
The contractor shall maintain the integrity of the audit trail and
protect the confidentiality and integrity of the files.
5.0 Adjustments
And Recoupments
If the contractor is required to recoup
a benefit payment any deductible amount applied to the claim to
be recouped must be adjusted on the CCDD to reflect that amount
as an outstanding deductible. Any other credited deductible amount
resulting from an individual claim adjustment will be offset from
future claims received for the beneficiary. The Government has determined
that it is not cost effective to collect any outstanding deductible
amounts at the close of the timely filing period.