2.0 POC Designation
2.1 Designated TOP
POCs are established by the Uniformed Services, the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA), the Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA), or other organizations
as established by the Government, with final approval by the TRICARE
Area Office (TAO) Directors.
2.2 Requests
for POC designation shall be submitted in writing by the Commanding
Officer of a military organizational unit or location, Defense Attache
Offices (DAOs), and Security Assistant Organizations (SAOs) to the
appropriate TAO Director. Requests for POC designation shall include
the POC’s name, anticipated date of transfer/reassignment from the
unit or location 24-hour commercial fax number, 24-hour commercial
phone number, e-mail address, and a valid and secure mailing address for
pouch mail. The request shall indicate whether the individual is
being designated as the primary POC or alternate POC (if any), along
with the names of other POCs in the organization. The request should
also indicate whether the POC will be replacing a previously designated
POC who is scheduled for reassignment or transfer. POC designation
is generally limited to one primary POC and one or two alternate
POCs per organization. If more than two alternate POCs are desired,
the organization must submit additional justification with the request.
2.3 Upon receipt
of a written request for POC designation, the TAO Director will
review the nomination for approval. After approval has been granted,
the TAO Director will notify the TOP contractor of the POC designation.
This notification must be in writing and may be sent electronically or
faxed to the contractor, with a copy to the POC’s organization,
the Defense Health Agency (DHA) Contracting Officer Representative
(COR), and the DHA technical expert for overseas claims.
2.4 POC designations
are not Uniformed Service-specific, nor is designation limited to
a specific beneficiary category (e.g., Service member) or a specific
TRICARE benefit category (e.g., medical, pharmacy, maternity, etc.).
2.5 POC organizations
shall provide updated POC information to TAO Directors and the TOP contractor
as needed. Information updates for designated primary/alternate
POCs must be provided in a timely manner to avoid possible delays
in claims processing. Updates to POC’s commercial fax/phone numbers,
e-mail address, and mailing address shall be e-mailed directly to
the appropriate TAO Director as soon as the change occurs.
2.6 Primary
and alternate POCs are responsible for notifying the appropriate
TAO Director in writing of any pending reassignments or transfers.
This written notification should indicate the POC’s projected date
of departure, the names of any remaining POCs in the organization,
and whether a new POC will be designated as a replacement. If a
new POC will be designated, the POC’s organization should request
designation as outlined in
paragraph 2.2.
3.0 Government
3.1 POCs
shall assist TRICARE beneficiaries (including Service members) with
the timely completion and filing of TOP claim forms. POCs shall
secure and safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI), Personally
Identifiable Information, and Sensitive Information for TRICARE beneficiaries
in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) 5400.11-R, “Department
of Defense Privacy Program”, May 14, 2007 and DoD Instruction 8500.2,
“Information Assurance Implementation”, February 6, 2003 and DoD
Instruction (DoDI) 6025.18, “Privacy of Individually Identifiable
Health Information in DoD Programs,” December 2, 2009.
3.2 POCs
are not authorized to sign as a claimant for any beneficiary’s claim
other than the POC’s personal claim.
3.3 As needed,
the POCs shall assist Service members and Prime enrolled ADFMs with
coordinating their return travel after a medical evacuation and
hospital discharge with the Service member or ADFM service representative.
This shall include making the necessary phone calls and sending
e-mails to assist with the return travel. The POCs will assist to
the extent possible using the existing personnel. The Services’
commands are still responsible for arranging and funding the return
3.4 Each TAO office shall develop and
distribute a region-specific POC Program booklet outlining specific
POC duties and responsibilities. Each TAO office shall also develop
and implement region-specific POC training. POC booklets and training
materials shall include instructions regarding the security requirements
identified in
paragraph 3.1 and other relevant security
instructions. POCs shall use the current version of their region’s
POC booklet (and any additional training materials and sessions)
as a guide in the performance of their POC duties.
3.5 Questions
regarding specific POC duties and responsibilities shall be addressed
to the appropriate TAO office for resolution.
4.0 TOP Contractor
The TOP contractor shall:
4.1 Maintain a current
listing of POCs, in coordination with the TAO offices.
4.2 Assist DHA staff,
TAO staff, POCs, Uniformed Services, TRICARE beneficiaries, and
purchased care sector providers with information on the completion
and filing of TRICARE claims.
4.3 Provide a dedicated P.O. Box, fax number,
and e-mail address for the receipt of TOP claims and correspondence
from all designated POCs. The fax number must be able to receive
data 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
4.4 Develop procedures for the coordination,
control, tracking, and processing of health care claims that are
submitted by POCs in accordance with established standards for the
PHI/Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This includes, but
is not limited to, microcopying/imaging of claims upon receipt,
storage/maintenance of the claim and all related correspondence,
verification of beneficiary eligibility for TRICARE benefits, development
of claims for missing information, processing of claims, and issuance
of foreign drafts/U.S. dollar checks/Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
4.5 Contact
the appropriate POC (via phone, fax or e-mail) when additional information
is needed to process a claim submitted by that POC. The TOP contractor
shall pend the claim for 14 calendar days following POC notification.
If the requested information is not received by the contractor by
the Close Of Business (COB) on the 14th calendar day following POC
notification, the contractor shall deny the claim.
4.6 Accept only
faxed claims/inquiries/information faxed by an officially designated
primary or alternate POC. Electronic mail may also be used for TOP
inquiries/information, subject to all applicable privacy rules.
4.7 Report POC inquiries
(including fax, e-mail, and letters) as routine correspondence as
outlined in
Chapter 1, Section 3.
4.8 Pay all
beneficiary-submitted claims for TRICARE covered drugs dispensed
by a U.S. embassy health clinic to the beneficiary. The contractor
shall not make payments directly to an embassy health clinic.
4.9 Use priority
pouch mail to mail foreign drafts/U.S. dollar checks/EOBs for claims
submitted via POCs. Priority pouch mail must be sent to the appropriate
POC’s location, unless a single point of dispersal for all payments
has been established for that country. In those locations where
a single point of dispersal has been established for all payments
for that country, the TOP contractor shall batch payments/EOBs by
country and mail the payments/EOBs in pouches to the designated
point of dispersal at least once every five working days. Payments
and EOBs that are placed in pouch mail shall be placed in sealed
separate envelopes by individual beneficiary/purchased care sector
provider for POC distribution. Pouch mail shall normally be sent
via overnight mail delivery; however, if overnight mail service
is not available or is not timely in a foreign location, the contractor
shall use the most expeditious means available.
4.10 Report unresolved
claims problems or issues between the POC and the contractor to
the TAO Director and the DHA COR.
4.11 Follow the inquiry process outlined in
this section for POC requests for claims status update and for POC
requests for changes to mail, fax numbers, etc.
4.12 Upon
receipt of a POC inquiry and once the inquiry is completed, fax
the response back to the person identified as the POC. The TOP contractor
shall follow the faxed POC inquiry with a phone call, if necessary.
Note 1: POCs
also assist TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) beneficiaries with the
submission of dental claims. POC responsibilities for TDP claims
are described in the POC Program booklet. The TOP contractor is
not responsible for processing dental claims, except for adjunctive
dental services as identified in the TRICARE Policy Manual (TPM),
Chapter 8, Section 13.1 and remote Service
member claims in accordance with
Section 10.
POC-submitted TDP claims that are misdirected to the TOP contractor
shall be returned to the appropriate POC.
Note 2: Professional services rendered by
a U.S. embassy health clinic are not covered by TRICARE/TOP. Those
services are covered under International Cooperative Administrative
Support Services (ICASS) agreements. Embassy providers (acting as
Primary Care Managers (PCMs)) may refer TOP enrollees to purchased
care sector providers; these claims shall be processed per TOP policy
and procedures.