TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.60-M, April 1, 2015 Evaluation And Management Chapter 2 Section 2.1 Hospital Care Issue Date: March 3, 1992 Authority: 32 CFR 199.4(c)(2)(iii) Copyright: CPT only © 2006 American Medical Association (or such other date of publication of CPT). All Rights Reserved. Revision: 1.0 CPT PROCEDURE CODES99221 - 99233, 99238, 99239 2.0 DESCRIPTION2.1 An initial hospital visit includes the history, examination, and medical decision making. 2.2 Subsequent hospital care consists of visits subsequent to the initial visit. Such care consists of an interval history, examination, and medical decision-making. 3.0 POLICYInitial hospital care and subsequent hospital care is covered when provided by an individual professional provider for the covered hospitalization. - END -