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TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.60-M, April 1, 2015
Chapter 1
Section 10.1
Category II Codes - Performance Measurement
Issue Date:  October 15, 2003
Authority:  32 CFR 199.17(i) and (p)(3)
Copyright:  CPT only © 2006 American Medical Association (or such other date of publication of CPT). All Rights Reserved.
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The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Category II codes are supplemental tracking codes that can be used for performance measurement.
3.1  Category II codes are to be used to collect data about the quality of care by coding certain services and/or test results that support performance measures and that have been agreed upon as contributing to good patient care. TRICARE has opted not to track Category II codes.
3.2  Category II codes are excluded under TRICARE.
January 1, 2004.
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