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TRICARE Systems Manual 7950.3-M, April 1, 2015
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)
Chapter 3
Section 3.1
Beneficiary Identification
1.0  Introduction
1.1  In 2008 the Department of Defense (DoD) started a program to remove Social Security Numbers (SSNs) from Common Access Cards (CAC) and Uniform Service/Military Identification (ID) cards for all Uniformed Service personnel, retirees, and all eligible family members. The effort is part of a larger plan to protect Service members and other DoD ID card holders from identity theft.
1.2  Prior to 2011, the SSN was printed on the back of the CAC issued to Uniformed Service personnel, civilians, contractors, etc., and on the front of the ID cards issued to dependents and retirees. Starting in 2011, when ID cards expired, they were replaced with new cards having a DoD Identification Number replacing the SSN and a DoD Benefits Number (DBN) reflecting DoD benefits authorized to the individual.
1.3  This section will provide information on accepted terminology used to identify an eligible beneficiary by all contractors. Clarification of beneficiary/patient ID nomenclature should be acquired from the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and/or Defense Health Agency (DHA).
2.0  Concept Of Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI), Individual Person Identifier, And Family Affiliation Identifier
2.1  EDIPI
2.1.1  An EDIPI is a number assigned to a record in the DoD’s DEERS database. Both the CAC and ID cards have an EDIPI printed on or embedded within the card.
2.1.2  The EDIPI is used as a unique person identifier. It is unique to a person not to the person’s role within the DoD.
2.2  Individual Person Identifier
As described in paragraph 2.1.1, all persons in DEERS have a primary identifier, the EDIPI, which DEERS officially calls the DoD ID. The DoD Identification Number is a DEERS-assigned 10 digit number and is recorded on all official DoD CAC/ID cards. This DoD Identification Number replaces the SSN for use in identification for all activities and transactions authorized by DoD, unless the use of SSN is specified by law. The DoD Identification Number allows the Military Health System (MHS) to track a person through their life span under a single identifier. Changes in role or relationship to a sponsor is reflected in the DBN, see paragraph 2.3.
2.3  Family Affiliation Identifier
All persons in DEERS that are eligible for DoD benefits will have a DBN, which is an 11 digit number with the first nine digits being common to a sponsor, and the last two digits identifying a specific person within the sponsor’s family. The DBN replaces many of the old terms, phrases, and acronyms used by the MHS and contractors under previous TRICARE contracts. The DBN of a beneficiary can change over time as their affiliation with a sponsor changes, as the sponsor’s status changes, or as they move from being a dependent and become their own sponsor.
2.4  Foreign Identification Number (FIN)
2.4.1  A FIN is a system-generated number assigned as F900-00-0000 and up, that is automatically generated and assigned by DEERS to allow execution/enrollment of DoD benefits and entitlements of eligible foreign military, foreign nationals and respective family members, that lack a SSN.
2.4.2  A FIN will be assigned permanently for the term of the individual’s registration in DEERS unless they later acquire a SSN. If the individual assigned the FIN later acquires an SSN, the DEERS record will be updated using the SSN.
2.5  Temporary Identification Number (TIN)
2.5.1  A TIN is a system-generated number that will be automatically generated and assigned by the DEERS database for categories of beneficiaries who are awaiting an SSN, such as newborns and foreign spouses, or for those who do not have a SSN, but do not qualify for a FIN.
2.5.2  TINs are a temporary means of identifying a beneficiary as a potential TRICARE eligible beneficiary on DEERS until receipt of a SSN.
3.0  Contractor Responsibility
3.1  All contractor systems storing benefits, enrollment, premium/fee payments, referrals/authorizations, claims, or clinical information about a beneficiary must do so by both the DoD Identification Number and the DBN. All information about TRICARE enrollments and policies to and from DEERS and the contractors must be done using these identifier as prescribed by DEERS and DHA. Updates of any other DEERS/DHA approved secondary attributes, such as SSN, Name, or Date of Birth (DOB) are exchanged using the DoD Identification Number and/or DBN as the means of identification.
3.2  All contractor systems must have the capabilities to link/cross-reference a beneficiary’s DoD Identification Number to their current and previous DBNs. Contractors shall maintain records of previous DBNs, from the start work date of their contract or earlier by historical downloads mandated by DEERS and DHA.
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